How to fool a billionaire
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How to fool a billionaire

Elizabeth Holmes, charged with fraud over the Theranos collapse, understood the psychological vulnerability of the ultra-rich.

This Kiwi jewellery designer sells to the rich and famous (and royal)
The Life

This Kiwi jewellery designer sells to the rich and famous (and royal)

Jessica McCormack, whose clients include the Duchess of Sussex and Victoria Beckham, is inspired by old-world glamour with a modern woman in mind, writes Philippa Coates.

Millionaires factory hosts seven of Australia’s 10 highest-paid execs

Millionaires factory hosts seven of Australia’s 10 highest-paid execs

The skills shortage and record sharemarket highs have boosted executive pay by 50% – and Macquarie Group executives top the ranks of highly paid CFOs.

Salesforce introduces $57,000 package for transgender employees
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Salesforce introduces $57,000 package for transgender employees

Staff in Australia and New Zealand will get four weeks’ paid leave and $US40,000 to pay for medical expenses as the company seeks to support LGBTQI employees.